Your local optician serves as your eye care practitioner and conducts a comprehensive contact lens assessment to ensure the health of your eyes and update your contact lens prescription. An aftercare appointment is typically required at least once a year, and there may be a charge of £25 – £50 for this service.

In the UK, it is a legal requirement to have your eyes professionally checked on a regular basis (usually annually, sometimes every two years) before obtaining further supplies of lenses. This requirement is in place to ensure the safe use of contact lenses.

As per the 1989 Opticians Act, your optician is obligated to provide you with a copy of your contact lens specification once the fitting process is complete, as well as after each yearly aftercare check. It is important to request this copy if it is not automatically provided. This specification should be issued without any additional charge and should not be confused with your glasses prescription.

To order contact lenses, please follow these steps:

1. Obtain a valid copy of your contact lens specification (not the glasses prescription) from your optician. You can request it to be emailed or posted to you.
2. Email the prescription to us at or send it via WhatsApp to our direct mobile number: 07400 107527. Simply take a picture of your specification and forward it to us. Ensure that your name, prescription details, date of check, and the optician’s name are clearly visible.
3. If possible, take a picture of your contact lens box showing the prescription and forward it to us via the mobile number or email address mentioned above.

We will verify the information provided with your optician. It is recommended that you continue to have your annual checks with the same opticians who supplied and fitted your lenses.

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